moog sub 37 tribute editionアナログシンセサイザーを販売します。すべての付属品とオリジナルの moog little phatty ギグバッグ付き。5月2日池袋のイシバシで買いました。30分間しか使用してないので、新しいです。請求書も付きます。 korg 100v 電圧により外国では使えないので販売します\r\rSelling a new Moog Sub 37 Tribute Edition Synthesizer with original Moog Little Phatty Gig Bag and all the accessories. The Synth was bought at Ishibashi in Ikebukuro on the 2. May 2016, was tested for 30 minutes only and has not been used ever since, so it is basically brand new. Everything is included, except for the original packaging. I will include the bill as well.\rI'm selling it because it can only be used in Japan due to the 100v modification by KORG. \r