1. Borderlands 1, 2, 3, and pre-sequel2. Call of duty: cold war3. Call of duty: warzone4. Fallout: new Vegas 5. Gears of war 1, 2, 3, judgement, and ultimate edition6. Grand theft auto 57. Halo wars 28. Halo masterchief collection 9. Layers of fear 210. Minecraft11. Rocket league12. Smite13. War thunder14. Witcher 215. World of tanks • Internal 1TB hard drive • 2TB external hard drive • One white wireless controller with two rechargeable battery packs• One black wired controller Internet will only work if the location is set to America, but language setting can be in Japanese. Because of that the internal clock will always be off compared to the actual time.詳細はメッセージ下さい!エックスボックス(15のゲームダウンロード済)コントローラー2つ付き※他のページにも載せさせていただいてる為早い者勝ちです。